This site is under construction!

A little patience...

For now, this website is under construction. We are doing our best to present the new website version very soon. We are wondering how can we serve dynamic content. Well, we cannot really as the pages are static. However this should not stop we from writing in JavaScript and ending up with a Single Page Application.

During a keynote speech at PyCon US 2022, Anaconda’s CEO Peter Wang unveiled quite a surprising project — PyScript. It is a JavaScript framework that allows users to create Python applications in the browser using a mix of Python and standard HTML. The project’s ultimate goal is to allow a much wider audience (for example, front-end developers) to benefit from the power of Python and its various libraries (statistical, ML/DL, etc.).

For that reason and for testing purposes, we have included PyScript on this web.

- numpy - requests from js import XMLHttpRequest req ="GET", "", False) req.send(None) output = str(req.response) pyscript.write('request_output', output)

You are invited to visit our website, our Github profile or contact us by Twitter.

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